Myrtia Crete
The village of Myrtia or Varvari is mentioned in Kazantzakis'
book Report to Greco as where his father's family hailed from
and the village boasts a fine museum dedicated to this famous
author son of Crete. The modern name, Myrtia, was given to the
village as an attempt to Hellenicize the village but its history
goes back to the Byzantine Empire.
It was here that the remaining Arabs from the battle to rid the
region of Turks and Arabs were herded together to live in one
place. That place was known as Varvari (or Barbari, Barbarian).
The site of the museum is located on land formerly occupied by
the author"s family. The exhibits include manuscripts,
photographs, costumes, souvenirs and personal effects as well as
many other interesting artefacts. .